A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow toplogy optimization.
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device_mma_math.f90 File Reference

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module  device_mma_math


subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_mma_gensub1 (low_d, upp_d, x_d, xmin_d, xmax_d, asyinit, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_mma_gensub2 (low_d, upp_d, x_d, xold1_d, xold2_d, xmin_d, xmax_d, asydecr, asyincr, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_mma_gensub3 (x_d, df0dx_d, dfdx_d, low_d, upp_d, min_d, max_d, alpha_d, beta_d, p0j_d, q0j_d, pij_d, qij_d, n, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_mma_gensub4 (x_d, low_d, upp_d, pij_d, qij_d, n, m, bi_d)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_mma_max (xsi_d, x_d, alpha_d, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_max2 (a_d, b, c_d, d, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_rex (rex_d, x_d, low_d, upp_d, pij_d, p0j_d, qij_d, q0j_d, lambda_d, xsi_d, eta_d, n, m)
real(kind=rp) function, public device_mma_math::device_lcsc2 (a_d, b_d, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_relambda (relambda_d, x_d, upp_d, low_d, pij_d, qij_d, n, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_sub2cons2 (rexsi_d, xsi_d, x_d, alpha_d, epsi, n)
real(kind=rp) function, public device_mma_math::device_maxval (rex_d, n)
real(kind=rp) function, public device_mma_math::device_norm (rex_d, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_delx (delx_d, x_d, low_d, upp_d, pij_d, qij_d, p0j_d, q0j_d, alpha_d, beta_d, lambda_d, epsi, n, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_add2inv2 (a_d, b_d, c, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_gg (gg_d, x_d, low_d, upp_d, pij_d, qij_d, n, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_diagx (diagx_d, x_d, xsi_d, low_d, upp_d, p0j_d, q0j_d, pij_d, qij_d, alpha_d, beta_d, eta_d, lambda_d, n, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_bb (bb_d, gg_d, delx_d, diagx_d, n, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_updatebb (bb_d, dellambda_d, dely_d, d_d, mu_d, y_d, delz, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_aa (aa_d, gg_d, diagx_d, n, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_updateaa (aa_d, globaltmp_mm_d, s_d, lambda_d, d_d, mu_d, y_d, a_d, zeta, z, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_dx (dx_d, delx_d, diagx_d, gg_d, dlambda_d, n, m)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_dy (dy_d, dely_d, dlambda_d, d_d, mu_d, y_d, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_dxsi (dxsi_d, xsi_d, dx_d, x_d, alpha_d, epsi, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_deta (deta_d, eta_d, dx_d, x_d, beta_d, epsi, n)
real(kind=rp) function, public device_mma_math::device_maxval2 (dxx_d, xx_d, cons, n)
real(kind=rp) function, public device_mma_math::device_maxval3 (dx_d, x_d, alpha_d, cons, n)
subroutine, public device_mma_math::device_kkt_rex (rex_d, df0dx_d, dfdx_d, xsi_d, eta_d, lambda_d, n, m)