A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow toplogy optimization.
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develop Module Reference


pure real(kind=rp) function, dimension(3) cross (a, b)
 Compute cross product of two vectors.
pure real(kind=rp) function dot (a, b)
 Compute dot product of two vectors.
pure real(kind=rp) function area (nv, vertices)
 Compute area of a polygon.
subroutine get_facets (c, out, facet_type)
 Construct a list of facets.
subroutine get_facets_outlet (c, out)
 Construct a list of facets.
pure real(kind=rp) function sum_weighted (a, w)
 Compute the weighted sum of an array.
pure real(kind=rp) function average_weighted (a, w)
 Compute the weighted average of an array.
subroutine get_facet_nodes (c, element_id, facet_id, nodes)
 Construct a list of nodes for a facet.
subroutine estimate_temperature (neko_case)


integer, parameter, public facet_type_interior = 0
integer, parameter, public facet_type_outlet = 1
integer, parameter, public facet_type_inlet = 2
integer, parameter, public facet_type_wall = 3
integer, parameter, public facet_type_sympln = 4

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ area()

pure real(kind=rp) function develop::area ( integer, intent(in nv,
real(kind=rp), dimension(3, nv), intent(in vertices 
[in]nvNumber of vertices.
Area of polygon.
The vertices must be ordered in order either clockwise or counter-clockwise around the polygon.

Definition at line 57 of file develop.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ average_weighted()

pure real(kind=rp) function develop::average_weighted ( real(kind=rp), dimension(:), intent(in a,
real(kind=rp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional  w 
[in]wWeights, optional.
Weighted average of array.

This function computes the weighted average of an array. The weights must be the same size as the array.

Definition at line 172 of file develop.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cross()

pure real(kind=rp) function, dimension(3) develop::cross ( real(kind=rp), dimension(3), intent(in a,
real(kind=rp), dimension(3), intent(in b 
[in]aFirst vector
[in]bSecond vector
Cross product \( a \times b \)

Definition at line 27 of file develop.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dot()

pure real(kind=rp) function develop::dot ( real(kind=rp), dimension(3), intent(in a,
real(kind=rp), dimension(3), intent(in b 
[in]aFirst vector.
[in]bSecond vector.
dot product \( a \cdot b \).

Definition at line 42 of file develop.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ estimate_temperature()

subroutine develop::estimate_temperature ( type(case_t), intent(inout neko_case)

Definition at line 233 of file develop.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_facet_nodes()

subroutine develop::get_facet_nodes ( type(case_t), intent(in c,
integer, intent(in element_id,
integer, intent(in facet_id,
real(kind=rp), dimension(:, :), intent(out), allocatable  nodes 
[in]CCase data structure.
[in]element_idElement ID.
[in]facet_idFacet ID.
[out]nodesNode list.

Definition at line 190 of file develop.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_facets()

subroutine develop::get_facets ( type(case_t), intent(in c,
integer, dimension(:, :), intent(out), allocatable  out,
integer, intent(in), optional  facet_type 
[in]CCase data structure.
[out]outList of facets, size (2, N_facets), first row is element. ID, second row is facet ID.
[in]facet_typeType of facet, optional, (0 = interior, 1 = outlet [default]).

Definition at line 89 of file develop.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_facets_outlet()

subroutine develop::get_facets_outlet ( type(case_t), intent(in c,
integer, dimension(:, :), intent(out), allocatable  out 
[in]CCase data structure.
[out]outList of outlet facets, size (2, N_facets), first row is element ID, second row is facet ID.

Definition at line 139 of file develop.f90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sum_weighted()

pure real(kind=rp) function develop::sum_weighted ( real(kind=rp), dimension(:), intent(in a,
real(kind=rp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional  w 
[in]wWeights, optional.
Weighted sum of array.

This function computes the weighted sum of an array. The weights must be the same size as the array. If no weights are supplied, the unweighted sum is computed.

Definition at line 153 of file develop.f90.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ facet_type_inlet

integer, parameter, public develop::facet_type_inlet = 2

Definition at line 17 of file develop.f90.

◆ facet_type_interior

integer, parameter, public develop::facet_type_interior = 0

Definition at line 15 of file develop.f90.

◆ facet_type_outlet

integer, parameter, public develop::facet_type_outlet = 1

Definition at line 16 of file develop.f90.

◆ facet_type_sympln

integer, parameter, public develop::facet_type_sympln = 4

Definition at line 19 of file develop.f90.

◆ facet_type_wall

integer, parameter, public develop::facet_type_wall = 3

Definition at line 18 of file develop.f90.