A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow toplogy optimization.
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Thermal dissipation from a rod

This showcases a very crude example of handling heat transfer from a rod to the surrounding fluid. The rod have an assigned temperature and the fluid has an inflow temperature.

Since Neko only support a single medium for now, the fluid is represented by a cylindrical region where the temperature is assigned manually and the flow is restricted through a Brinkman term.

The Peclet number is set to 2000 and the Reynolds number is set to 2000.

The rod temperature is set to 3 different values, 1, 10 and 20.

Please run the prepare script which will setup the domain.


Then run the simulation with the following command:

neko easy-E_[N].case

In order to avoid numerical issues, we ramp the temperature to the target value linearly over the first 1% of the total simulation time.

The fluid is outputted 250 times, which support an animation of the flow with 25 frames per second without time dilation.

Problem setup:

Domain: 3D, 4x1x1 box. Discretization: 40x10x10 cells. Time: 10.0 seconds. Rod temperature: 1, 10 and 20. Rod location: 1.0, 0.5, 0.0. Rod geometry:

  • Constructed from cylinder with a sphere at the internal end.
  • Cylinder: 0.1 radius, 0.5 length, placed vertically.
  • Sphere: 0.1 radius.

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