A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow toplogy optimization.
No Matches

The execution of examples have been automated to allow for easy testing and development of new features. The examples are located in the examples folder and are self-contained with case files and the nmsh files required (or details on how to get them). The examples are compiled and executed using the script.

For inline help on the script, use the -h or --help switch.

./ [-h] [--help]

List of examples

  1. Permeability block example
  2. Thermal dissipation from a rod

Execution of examples

The script is the main driver for all examples. The run script will construct a local system for execution of any example defined in the examples folder. Each example should at least contain a .case file with the specifications to Neko. The run script will copy the contents of the example folder to a temporary folder and execute the example from there.

The contents of example/EXAMPLE_NAME will be copied to a temporary log/EXAMPLE_NAME. If the user wish to execute one of the Neko examples, then the script can be invoked with the name of the example as an argument along the switch -n or --neko.

./ --neko tgv

Submission of jobs to a cluster.

Currently the script supports submission of jobs to a cluster using the -s or --submit switch. The script will submit the job to the cluster using a batch script associated with the desired cluster. The batch script is located in the folder scripts/jobscripts under a folder associated with the cluster name.

The script will copy the contents of the example folder to a temporary folder as is done when running the example locally. The job will be submitted to the cluster and the output will be stored in the results folder after completed execution.

./ --submit MN5 --neko tgv

Currently the following clusters are supported:

  • MN5: The MareNostrum 5 cluster at BSC. (Utilizes the SLURM scheduler)
  • DTU: The local cluster at the Technical University of Denmark. (Utilizes the LSF10 scheduler)

Unsupported clusters will result in an error message, but, we recommend to execute the script with the --dry-run switch to organize the job files. Then one can manually submit the job to the cluster.

Adding examples

To construct new examples, place a folder in the examples folder. Each example should be self-contained with case files, the nmsh required. Any additional source files should ideally be placed in that folder as well.

Additionally the following constraints on the structure of the example folder are required:

  • The example is required to only contain a single script. This script indicate the root of the example.
  • The example may contain any number of case files, but if there is no script, all of them should be placed in the root of the example folder. Otherwise, each folder containing a case file will be considered an example.

Case files and meshes.

When running an example a link is made to the folders data and data_local both sitting at the root of Neko-TOP. The data folder contain some official meshes used in the predefined examples. The data_local allow the user to save meshes to a folder accessible to all examples to reduce need for redundancy. This folder can include anything needed by the examples to run. In general it is used for local copies of meshes which can be accessed by all examples to avoid redundancy and copying massive folders around.

Additionally, we avoid copying meshes contained in the examples by creating a link to any .nmsh files contained in the example folder. This is done to avoid copying large meshes around and to allow for easy access to the meshes.

Advanced example setups

Elaborate examples can be constructed by using the CMakeLists.txt file to specify the source files and the driver type. The driver type is used to determine how the example should be compiled and executed. The CMakeLists.txt in the example folder must call the build_example function to setup the example.

Current driver types:

  • "default": Pure neko with no user defined source files.
  • "user": Equivalent to using makeneko to generate the executable.
  • "topopt": Topology optimization driver defined in the Neko-TOP library.
  • "custom": Use the driver.f90 provided in the current example folder or read the cmake variable DRIVER.

Additional source files can be added to the example by setting the EXTRA_SOURCES variable in the CMakeLists.txt file. Preferably these files should be specified with a full path or using the CMake variables.

Please note that the final entry in the CMakeLists.txt file should be the call to the build_example function. This function will take care of the rest of the setup.

Example of a CMakeLists.txt file:

set(DRIVER_TYPE "default")
# If example require a custom driver, define the source file here.
# Extra sources that need to be compiled into the driver.