35 use num_types,
only: rp
36 use coefs,
only: coef_t
37 use json_utils,
only: json_get
38 use json_module,
only: json_file
60 type(json_file),
intent(inout) :: json
61 type(coef_t),
target :: coef
62 logical :: dealias, found
65 call json_get(json,
'case.numerics.dealias', dealias)
66 call json%get(
'case.numerics.dealiased_polynomial_order', lxd, found)
68 call json_get(json,
'case.numerics.polynomial_order', order)
70 lxd = 3 * (order + 1) / 2
74 if (
85 select type (adv => object)
88 call adv%init(lxd, coef)
90 call adv%init(coef%Xh%lx * 3 / 2, coef)
Subroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation.
Subroutines to add perturbed advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation.
Contains the factory routine for advection_t children.
subroutine, public advection_adjoint_factory(object, json, coef)
A factory for advection_t decendants.
Subroutines to add advection terms to the RHS of a transport equation.
Type encapsulating advection routines with dealiasing.
Type encapsulating advection routines with no dealiasing applied.
Base abstract type for computing the advection operator.