A portable framework for high-order spectral element flow toplogy optimization.
No Matches
Contributing to Neko-TOP

This document describes the guidelines for contributing to Neko-TOP. Neko-TOP is a topology optimization code based on the Neko library. As such, the guidelines for contributing to Neko-TOP are the same as those for contributing to Neko. Please refer to the documentation of Neko for more details.

Checks for the Pull Request

When a pull request is submitted, a series of continuous integration tests will be run. A pull request will not be accepted nor merged into develop until it passes the test suite.

  • The pull request should be based on the develop branch.
  • The pull request should pass the test suite.
    The test suite can be run locally by executing ./ -t in the root directory of the repository.
  • The pull request should not introduce any new warnings or errors from the compilers.
    This can be checked by compiling the code in Debug mode. This can be done by executing CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ./ in the root directory of the repository.
  • The pull request should adhere to the code style guidelines.
    The flint tool can be used to check the code style. This can be done by executing flint -R flinter_rc.yml [sources/ | examples/ | tests/] in the root directory of the repository. Please note that the flint tool is not included in the repository. It can be installed by executing pip install flint in the terminal.

Formatting and Linting Tools

In order to simplify compliance to the formatting and linting rules the following tools can be used:


This tool can be used to enforce these rules by assigning the following options.

  • -Rr Auto fill end statements with type of block and name.
  • -i2 Default indentation.
  • -d3 Indentation for do loops.
  • -f3 Indentation for if statements.
  • -s3 Indentation for select case statements.
  • -c3 Negative Indentation for case statements.
  • -w3 Indentation for where statements.
  • -t3 Indentation for type statements.
  • -j3 Indentation for interface statements.
  • -k5 Indentation for continuation lines (-: no change, d: default).
  • --ws_remred Remove redundant white space.
  • --indent_ampersand Indentation for continuation lines with preceeding &.
  • --openmp=0 Indentation for OpenMP directives (0: follow the code, 1: flush left).